Selected Projects
- Bird Rehabilitation Facility
- Jane Gray Research Greenhouse, UC Botanical Garden

“Clients appreciate that we make sure to include some really nice design elements into every project – even the small ones.”
Elizabeth McLeod’s first project at Noll & Tam was a veterinary facility for oil damaged birds – the launch of our animal care specialty. Elizabeth got in on the ground floor of a lot of things at Noll & Tam. When she started here, it was still the last century.
Whether a vet facility, a greenhouse or a teen center, Elizabeth values the broad scale of her work. She finds guiding her clients through the rough waters of complicated renovation rewarding. She knows her good judgment is valued. She’s especially happy when her projects connect well to the outdoors.
Elizabeth’s always been a crafter – whether with fabric, yarn or clay. She loves the Bay Area Arts & Crafts movement. Working on her house and garden fuels her creativity. Though she says she’d choose invisibility for her super power, we’d miss her calm and steady presence. And her cool shoes.